Destiny’s Sword

Destiny’s Sword is a “Living-Narrative” Graphic Adventure. I would honestly describe it as an interactive graphic novel. This would make sense as this game’s story was written by best-selling author M.D. Cooper. Now Cooper has also written the book Luicidum Run, which is a prequel to this game.

There are some animations in the background, but the outcome of each mission is determined by the choices you make while your squad endeavors to maintain control against the growing strength of the powerful corporate syndicate known as the Consortium. I was only able to play the first five missions as those were the only ones available at the time of writing this article. You are the Commander of a squadron and your choices on how you handle the upcoming situations can affect your troop's mental and physical well-being. While I find the storyline intriguing and the interactions you have with your squadron appealing as someone who loves a good story, I admit the game wasn’t to my personal taste.

The gameplay is simple with a point-and-click type interface where you selected your choices whether it be a conversation with your squad or actions to take to secure Cypris. Now, I do find the fact that the game deals with serious issues that are very important today with mental health and drug abuse being part of the missions you take on as you work with building trust with your squad.

Unfortunately, there isn’t an ability to review a complete game and I find that to be a disappointing aspect of the game due to taking me less than an hour to complete the first five missions and now I wait for the next part of the game to be released so I can continue to work with my squad and help the people of Cypris. The game was developed by 2Dogs Games Limited using the Unity Engine and was published by 2Dogs Games Limited, Bonus Stage Publishing, and Bonus Stage Limited and is available on PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and now has been brought to the PC and can be found in the Steam Store for the cost of $8.99. If you want to play this game on PC, your specs don’t have to be too powerful since you only need a minimum of an Intel Core i5 without a specific processor mentioned and only a GTX 555 or ATI Radeon HD 6XXX series or higher with only needing 4 GB RAM. If you like games that focus on a story over an action game, then this game is for you. I like games that have a mix of both and overall wasn’t for me. I’d give this game the following rating:



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